Hey there 👋🏼
Last week something unexpected happened.
I underwent two experiences that forced me to change my mind about remote work.
Let me tell you the story.
I went to the office Tuesday and Wednesday.
And each day was key for me to change my mind.
On Tuesday, I got together with several elements of one of our teams. In a completely impromptu event, before we knew it, we were all gathered around a single computer brainstorming about the future of our product.
The energy was absolutely incredible!
Look, I’m not going to say that we couldn’t have done the same remotely on a Zoom call. Of course, we could.
But I have to be honest with you. Since March 13th 2020, I’ve been, easily, in thousands of Zoom calls and never has the energy been like this.
It was so good that we booked a follow-up session in the office for the next week.
On Wednesday, I went to the office again and got to chat with a newcomer.
He’s all the way from the other side of the planet and he shared that he asked his lead when I was around the office so we could get together.
His lead’s answer was absolutely spot on. That I’m rarely at the office so it wouldn’t be easy to get face to face.
Well… That hit me like a brick.
Here I have someone from my team, that moved halfway across the globe to work with us and when he wanted to meet me I wasn’t there…
These two experiences were eye-opening, to say the least.
I’ve share this on LinkedIn and a really interesting discussion ensued.
After a long reflection, my conclusion is that I need to be more present.
Look, I love working at home.
I’m a big advocate for remote work. But what these two experiences showed me is that, for me, for my reality, hybrid is the way to go.
Having a fixed day at the office creates something that can be key for my teams: predictability over when I’m there with them.
If you’ve been reading this newsletter you already noticed that I’m 100% open to change, to adapting my behaviour so I get better outcomes. This is another change.
On March 13th 2020, I fully embraced remote work.
On July 20th 2022, I knew my team needed something more.
That's it from me. I hope you have a fantastic weekend and that this issue helps you challenge yourself and the things you’re 100% sure about!
Had two impactful experiences at the office
Noticed that my team needs me to be more present
Decided to have a fixed office day
Always learn and adapt to new circumstances
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Have an incredible month! 💪🏼
Parada 👊🏼 A Leader's Mindset